Co-curricula Activities

Children's University

Children's University

Students at Our Lady of the Visitation School have the opportunity to participate in Children’s University. This program is supported by Adelaide University and offers educational experiences for children aged between 7 and 14 years of age and recognises their achievements by being issued a Passport to Learning, in which hours are recorded. Children’s University has a strong emphasis on experience as a significant learning tool, acknowledging the value of the range of different learning experiences and environments in which children engage. 

If you would like more information on Children’s University, please visit their website, or alternatively contact our Coordinator at school.


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Out of School Sport

Students have the opportunity to join school sport teams to learn and or develop their skills, as well as learn how to be an active member on a team. Programs are designed for maximum enjoyment with the emphasis on fun and participation. As students reach the senior years of primary school, team sports do become more competitive. Out of school sports available at Our Lady of the Visitation School are:

  • Netball
  • Soccer
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Students in the senior years of primary school have the opportunity to be selected to represent their school in their District (Port) and or State wide sporting carnivals. As a school we are often successful in these carnivals, with individual students often being recognised for their outstanding effort. At OLV, we have had representatives participate in a wide range of events in different carnivals.


Catholic School Sports

We also access a variety of Catholic Schools Sports. Our Lady of the Visitation School enters teams and representatives in the following sports:

  • Swimming
  • Athletics
  • Cross Country
  • Netball

In order for students to be selected into the above teams, Our Lady of the Visitation School have their own Athletics, Swimming and Cross Country trials to ensure selection is fair and equitable. 

Enviro Club

Enviro Club

At Our Lady of the Visitation School students are invited to ecological conversion by establishing and maintaining more sustainable ways for our natural environment to thrive. Some initiatives have been to:

  • conduct a Litter Audit
  • educate students to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
  • establish composting
  • establish a Nude Food Day
  • rejuvenate a Food Garden
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Senior students at Our Lady of the Visitation School have the opportunity to join the Catholic Schools Music Festival Choir. They practise for most of the year, to come together with other Catholic Schools to perform in September at the Adelaide Festival Centre.


Instrumental Lessons

Our Lady of the Visitation School offers students the opportunity to learn guitar, piano and vocals with instrumental teachers who visit our school weekly. More information can be obtained from contacting the school Front Office. 
