Newsletter Term 3 Week 5, 2022
This week we have celebrated Book Week, where we have celebrated reading as a chance to “Dream with eyes open”, and the important role that children’s literature, books and stories play in our world.
Reading to and with your child is one of the easiest and best things you can do for your child and their education. Reading books aloud to children stimulates their imagination and expands their understanding of the world. It helps them develop language and listening skills and prepares them to understand the written word. Even after children learn to read by themselves, it is still important for you to read aloud together and enjoy books.
The highlight of Book Week is our parade held today. We were so lucky to have the most beautiful weather. It was great to see so many parents and grand parents attend. With the COVID restrictions over the last 2 years, it was great to see so many happy faces in attendance. A big thanks you to Jacinta Zandona for being our Book Week Parade MC and for your support of this great event.
Building Update
All plans and approvals have been completed for Stage 1. The works for Stage 1 Early Years has gone out to tender. There are four Building Companies who have been invited to tender. This tender process follows CESA’s protocols and is managed by Stallard Meek-Flightpath (Architects) & CESA. Submissions close Tuesday 13 September. (Week 8).
Our aim is to have the Church Block vacated by end of Term 3. This will enable the successful tenderer to begin works in the school holidays. The demolition of the Church block will involve asbestos removal. This will be performed following strict industry and WHS guidelines.
Decodable Texts
In line with our Literacy strategy we have introduced Decodable Texts in the Early Years which will replace PM readers or the levelled readers. This decision is supported by research and is a change to our current procedures.
Research shows that an important aspect of teaching students to read is Phonemic Awareness. This is the ability to hear, identify and manipulate individual sounds in words by listening to the sounds orally. For example, hearing the ‘e’ in egg, or hearing the ‘d’ then the ‘o’ and the ‘g’ on ‘dog’. It is crucial that all of our students have a sound grasp of phonological awareness skills and this is taught explicitly to all classes in Early Years (includes Preschool & GiR). At OLV we are using the Heggerty Phonemic Awareness which was introduced earlier this year. Students in Year 2-6 may also need to practice these skills if they are yet to grasp a firm foundation of reading. At OLV, student testing informs teachers which students have gaps in their Phonemic Awareness and therefore may require further teaching / intervention.
When a child reads a decodable text, they use their knowledge of phonics and phonemic skills to decode unfamiliar words. The child is able to decode every word in the book because they have been taught the specific sounds and skills required for the text.
There is still a place for levelled readers, which are introduced when students know their sounds, blending, segmenting and decoding, in order to then learn to read for meaning and comprehension.
Some children will acquire these skills more quickly than others and it is important for us to value the skill over the complexity of the text. Many thanks to the parents who attend the 3 Parent Workshops. These were well attended. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s class teacher.
Think U Know
In the last 2 weeks we have highlighted with our Year 4 – 6 students the importance of being Cybersafe. We had sessions for students and parents. These were run by SAPOL, which is endorsed by the Office of the eSafety Commissioner. The aim of these sessions is to support positive online experiences and digital citizenship by encouraging students to navigate their way around their online world with responsibility, resilience, respect and empathy. Each session is customised, interactive and engaging for the students and covers the latest up to date information to complement the already valuable messages being shared by our school community.
The student sessions included the following topics:
- Digital reputation
- Online Gaming
- Social Media dos and don’ts
- Cyber bullying
- Online Grooming
- Strategies for online wellbeing and screen time management
- Staying within the law
- Online security and privacy, protecting personal information.
- Ways to stay safe where to seek help
The parent information session included:
- Introduction to the most popular and current social media platforms
- Tools to recognise and manage cyber bullying
- Information about online grooming and other risks
- Communication strategies – how to start difficult conversations
- Strategies for supporting positive online behaviour, including tips on managing screen time
It is important as a parent to ensure that you know what you child is doing online and with whom they are talking to. The message to parents from the session was to remember that you are the parent and you make the rules for your home to keep your children safe, despite the protests you may receive.
Uniform Orders
School uniform orders need to be placed by Wednesday lunchtime if you with to collect them the following morning. Orders can be made through a link on our Website.
Toileting Issues
Could I please ask that if your child is prone to having 'toileting accidents' that you send some spare undies and pants/shorts etc. in your child's bag. We don't always have the correct size uniform on hand for children to change into. Accidents always happen, it doesn't hurt to pack a couple of extra undies & pants.
Any of our 'school spares' that we use when a child has an accident, we would appreciate them being returned once washed. Could this please be done as soon as possible as our supplies are running low.
Thank you so much for your cooperation.
Lost Property
There are numerous sports jackets in the lost property box in the front office without names!! If your child has lost their sports jacket, please come and see if its there.
Catholic Identity
Catholic Education Week
Raising Hearts and Minds Prayer
Loving God, Guide us to know life in its fullness, to raise our hearts and minds to know God’s love. Raise our hearts and minds to be inspired by Jesus, the Catholic faith and tradition. Raise our hearts to be loving, compassionate and respectful. Raise our minds to be inquisitive, capable and seek truth. May we be aware of listening to the stirring of our hearts to prompt action. Guide us to respond to the needs of others and all of God’s creation. In all our thoughts, words and actions, help us raise our hearts and minds in creating the world you desire. Loving God hear our prayer. Amen
THEME: Raising Hearts and Minds with God to ensure the dignity of all
This week with the focus of Raising our Hearts and Minds to God we asked our children;
How do we show respect to ourselves, others and the environment at OLV?
“You say hello and thank you” (Scarlett, Reception Green)
“We have nude food days” (Ted, Reception Green)
“Treat others the way we want to be treated” (Myah 2/3 Red)
“Passing the ball gently during Recess and Lunch” (Chase 2/3 Red)
“Understand that everyone is on a different level and even if you don’t there, don’t give up!” (5/6 Red)
“Include others in activities” (5/6 Red)
“We live near the ocean, so we make sure we pick up our rubbish” (5/6 Red)
Sacrament Preparation for Catholic Children
The Lefevre Catholic Community, in conjunction with the local schools, is calling for enrolments in the 2022/23 Sacrament Preparation Programme. The programme for children over 8 years of age will commence in October.
For more information please contact Sr Marie Egan on 0409 078 683 or email
Classroom Pulse Check In
Classroom Pulse Check In will occur during the next two weeks. This is an opportunity for us as educators to ensure that all students at OLV have strong relationships and a sense of belonging at school.
The Classroom Pulse Check In’s are organised in two specific groups appropriate to the age level:
Reception to Year 3: Students respond by clicking on emojis.
Year 4 to Year 6: Students respond by clicking on more ‘traditional’ radar buttons. These also allow students to add further comments.
The results are analysed by the classroom teacher and leadership and personalised conversations will occur according to the data provided.
We thank Amelia Madden (2 Yellow) and Lorenza Bianchini (2/3 Red) for leading us in prayer for the Feast of the Assumption. Our students were able to understand that this is a Holy day of obligation and a time when we pray and give thanks for Mary.
“Mary was a very special lady and she is the mother of Jesus” (GIR)
Tuesday Parish Masses
5/6 Red and 4 Green have attended our OLV Parish Mass. We thank the students for their participation and reverence in joining in prayer and reflection with Father Rodrick, Josh McDermid and parishioners. 2 Yellow will be attending Mass next Tuesday 30th August at 9:30am. Families are welcome to attend.
Classroom Prayer
Prayer is at the heart of our Christian spirituality and an opportunity for us to be aware of the presence of God in our everyday life. This sacred time also provides the opportunity for children to be in dialogue with our Catholic Tradition and seek truth and interpretation by asking questions and sharing ideas and experiences. I have been present during Prayer in classes and it has been a true gift to hear the awe and wonder of our learners as they seek meaning.
Catholic Charities Appeal
"Never see a need without doing something about it" was one of the sayings of St Mary MacKillop and is what drives our Catholic Charity work in assisting struggling families and individuals in our own community.
This week your child would have bought home a Catholic Charity Booklet. You are invited to have a look at the some of the essential works of our charitable agencies. Some include Centacare Domestic Violence and Homelessness Services support and Our Lady of La Vang & St Patrick’s Special Schools.
This Term EnviroClub initiated Nude Food Tuesdays...
More than 50% of our school has joined the Nude Food fun! Please help us reach 100% by sending your child to school with zero packaging in their lunch box.
This month's Nude Foodie: Eilish, Reception Yellow (photo below)
Success Criteria: I can bring nude food to school
Eilish says: "I love bringing nude food because I don't have to fill up the bin with plastic".
Learning Intentions for Nude Food Tuesdays:
- Children become more aware of and take responsibility for their environmental impact
- Children start to recycle their soft plastics from home to minimise landfill
- Children practice teamwork through creating positive environmental changes at school
Elli Kyriacou
STEM Teacher
Catholic Schools Cross Country Championships
O.L.V performed extremely well at the Catholic Schools Cross Country Championships held on Thursday 11th August 2022. There were between 120-150 runners in each event, running a distance of 2,000 metres. Some 60 Year 3 to 6 students from O.L.V. completed the distance. Well done! The weather was great! The creek had too much water in it! A special thank you to Shey Angove, Tina Ida, Max Bentley and Tanita Rodgers for helping with supervising, first aid and marshalling the children. The following are some of the children’s performances.
Madison Bennett | 9th | Ajok Kuir | 10th | Amelie Burchell | 11th |
Aaron Van Der Ploeg | 13th | Ella Gustard | 18th | Kobe Fowler | 18th |
Maxim Burchell | 19th | Zavier Riley | 19th | Macy Cooper | 19th |
Yar Kuir | 22nd | Rylan Barry | 22nd | Emily Leonard | 23rd |
Matilda Ryan | 25th | Eli Clarke | 27th | Jasmine Wadrop | 32nd |
Harper Cowan | 32nd | Logan Leach | 32nd | Aggie Collins-Eckert | 33rd |
Tilley Marlow | 41st | Jayden Riley | 41st | Leo Clarke | 43rd |
Scarlett Reed | 43rd | Anyeeth Akuei | 44th | Oliver Ford | 44th |
Manaia Taiapa | 44th | Noah Atkinson | 47th | Lucas Kalaitzis | 47th |
Lean Sng | 50th | Jake Atkinson | 54th | Isabel Coggins | 54th |
Ollie Stephens | 56th | Alessia Santoro | 56th | Savannah Butler | 58th |
Piper Kluzek | 60th | Marites Morla | 61st | Alysia Baldacchino | 62nd |
Alex Jackson | 63rd | Jacob Leonard | 63rd | Jack Page | 63rd |
Lotus Black | 65th | Will Stead | 69th | Hayley Allen | 72nd |
Elise Oliveira | 73rd | Shayda Yousefpour | 74th | Matilda Kirkby-Jones | 75th |
Sculley Collins-Eckert | 76th | Titan Reid | 80th | Blake Wadrop | 85th |
Jonathon McGlade | 86th | Tane Taiapa | 86th | Brodie Line | 92nd |
Zaiden Cleaver | 96th |
Our next Carnival is a Port SAPSASA Cross Country Carnival on Tuesday 13th September at Point Malcolm Reserve Semaphore Park.
Yours in Running
John Merrett
Important Dates
Reception - Year 3 Road Safety Session
Father's Day Prayer Service - Rec Red, Rec Yellow & R/1 Purple - 9.15am Veritas Centre
Father's Day
School Photo Day
Port SAPSASA Cross Country
Student Absences
Reminder...when alerting the school of the absence of your child/ren, can you please contact the school via the phone number or email address below with childs name & reason for absence.
(P) 8248 2480
Labelling uniforms
Please check and ensure that your child's jumper/jacket, beanie, hat, drink bottle etc. are all labelled so that they can be returned to them.